Disa Prasoplap or Muay Yai is a Thailand painter. 

I loved drawing since childhood. Although I did not learn the art directly from the school but, with the passion on drawing and painting I always do self-study on what I’ve loved the most. My drawing and painting style is a surreal object. Mostly, women are used to convey the emotions of the picture in my works. My inspiration usually comes from people stories who have experiences around me. I enjoy using as many as colors to my work so it would be mostly colorful painting. But there are sometime that I like to simply draw lines without the need to wear any colors on it. 

In 2010 I was persuaded by some of my friends to exhibit my works instead of keeping them at home. And later on my works keep continue steadily exhibited. In addition to the display I also had the opportunity to draw the illustrations to the book. The first book that I’ve drawn in full title is” Because in love, so can’t love”. Publisher of Kati Kala. Which is more like to open the door to my illustrator work and I gain more experience on that. But I do not leave the painting exhibition. I am still remaining painting my favorite[U1] works daily. Every time that I have opportunity, I always exhibit my works along with my friends and regularly share with other customers. I am drawing a picture with a enjoyably and happily 

Finally, I hope that everyone who has seen my painting or my work by the artist's name “Muay Yai” will be happy along with me.


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